West Virginia
West Virginia
TierMid Tier

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Responsive Gov’s Grade TL;DR

The West Virginia Legislature made a few small changes to the state’s election laws this past year. Meanwhile, Secretary Warner decided to reject voter registration forms submitted by federal agencies. Because of his aggressive anti-voter registration stance coupled with the mostly neutral changes passed by the Legislature, West Virginia received a C- on this year’s progress report.

Looking Back

Where West Virginia Started at the Beginning of 2024

  • Automatic Voter Registration: Hard Stop
  • Online Voter Registration: DMV ID
  • Same-Day Registration: No
  • Restoration of Rights: Parole and/or Probation Disenfranchisement
  • Vote by Mail: Excuse-Only
  • Electronic Registration Information Center Member: No
  • Early Voting Opportunities: In-Person Absentee
  • ID Requirements: ID Requested, but not Required

Relying on the Cost of Voting Index for West Virginia as of 2024, we considered the state a middle tier state for pre-existing voting policy and compared its 2024 activity against other middle tier states.

How Our Tier Compares

  • COVI (2024): 23rd
  • EPI Score (2022): 23rd
  • CLC State Scorecard (2022): 4/10
  • MAP Democracy Rating (2024): FAIR

2024: This Past Year

Legislative Action

The West Virginia Legislature made just a few minor adjustments to election laws this past year.

  • SB 623 requires the DMV to obtain photographs of individuals during their DMV transaction so the info can be included in their voter file, and it instructs the DMV to submit all voter citizenship-related documents to the secretary of state to ensure non-citizens are not registered to vote.
  • SB 624 clarifies that the voter registration deadline is midnight on the 21st day before the election if using the online registration system and close of business if done in person. The bill also requires a voter’s registration to be canceled if the voter has obtained a driver’s license in another state.
  • HJR 21 is a proposed constitutional amendment that makes it explicit that non-citizens may not vote in any election held in the state.
  • SR 61 encourages military veterans to volunteer as election workers in the 2024 statewide elections.

Executive Action

  • This past spring, Secretary of State Warner announced that the state would no longer accept federal voter registration forms from federal agencies. This goes against longstanding federal law requiring states to accept voter registration forms from Armed Forces Recruitment offices. The announcement appears to represent a misguided response to President Biden’s 2021 issuance of Executive Order 14019, which merely directed federal agencies to work with interested states in designating federal offices in these states as voter registration locations. Other states have used this executive order to partner with the Department of Veterans Affairs to allow veterans to register to vote via the agency.