Smarter Solutions to Improve Efficiency and Access
Government agencies do customer service. Policy proposals should always keep the end-user in mind with the goal of reducing, rather than creating, additional red tape for customers. A simpler, more user-friendly system is often the most straightforward path to improving satisfaction and access to government services for both customers and employees.
Share Data Across Agencies
Making a citizen alert five different agencies each time they change their address is a hassle for customers and inefficient for agencies. Sharing data across agencies is a practical solution to improve customer satisfaction and reduce waste.
Local Election Official Turnover
Local election officials and clerks are the salt of the earth when it comes to running our elections, and unfortunately these hardworking individuals have faced an onslaught of challenges — from threats due to disinformation to a lack of funding to actually run elections, running our elections has become increasingly harder. We're striving to find ways to make our election process not only more convenient for voters, but for the people who run them.
Take a look at our latest report on LEO turnover and learn how we can better support our election officials.
Reduce Paperwork
Too many agency customers still have to fill out clunky paper forms. Paper forms filled out by hand are error-prone, inefficient, and expensive to process. To the greatest extent possible, agencies should transition customers to more efficient and less error-prone electronic transactions.
Automate Enrollment
When the government knows a person is eligible to vote or enroll in Medicaid or has all the information it needs for a tax return, it should save the person the time and energy of completing an unnecessary form. Agencies can do the work for the customer, notify them, and give them a chance to make any changes, if needed.
Save Customers Time
Every moment a customer spends standing in line or waiting for a website to load builds frustration with the government. Agencies should strive to reduce transaction times, both in-person and online, by using the information they already have to streamline transactions.
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